Smith-Brock Phonics Consulting
Teacher Training & Private Tutoring
Jennie Smith-Brock

These programs provide remarkable tools for children’s facility with the English writing system.

What is Jolly Phonics?
Jolly Phonics is a systematic, multisensory beginning reading and writing program that has completely transformed the trajectory of children’s learning in schools in the United States and around the world.

What is Jolly Grammar?
Jolly Grammar and Spelling (Grades 1 - 6) is a systematic and multi-sensory program. Spelling, punctuation, morphemes, parts of speech, and sentence development are taught explicitly and address Common Core Language Standards.

What is Abecedarian?
The ABeCeDarian Reading Program is a systematic, multisensory decoding program that rapidly develops a student’s ability to read text accurately and fluently. Comprehensive, yet fast-paced, the program explicitly targets weaknesses of struggling or at-risk readers.

Summer 2024 Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar Workshops:
Summer 2024 Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar webinars
Summer 2024 Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar webinars
Jolly Phonics 3 x 2-hour Webinar Series
Mon. June 17, Tues. June 18, & Thurs. June 20, 2024 (10:00am – 12pm or recording) $150.00
● Teaches the full spectrum of 42 sounds (not just 26 sounds of the alphabet)
● Actions & songs for each phoneme
● Seamlessly incorporates handwriting & spelling, alongside reading & writing
● …
Jolly Grammar & Spelling (after Jolly Phonics)
Jolly Grammar 1 & 2
Thursday August 22 (10:00am-12:00pm or recording), Grades 1 & 2, $60.00
Jolly Grammar 3 & 4
Pre-recorded event. Grades 3 & 4, $60.00
● Structured lessons on spelling, punctuation, affixes, parts of speech, tenses, homophones, antonyms/synonyms, figures of speech, sentence development, and paragraph composition
● Utilizes actions and colors to help children identify parts of speech & verb tenses
● …
Accelerate Literacy
A Structured Linguistic Literacy Summit
June 23rd-28th
Aha! 8 Light Bulb Moments For Teachers of Reading in Maine
A Structured Linguistic Literacy Summit
Online, June 23-28. 2024
Over 35 speakers, including keynote speaker:
Dr. Pamela Snow, Dr. Devin M. Kearns, Dr. Mark Seidenberg, Ernest "Tre" Hadrick III, & Lindsay Kemeny
What Our Customers Have to Say

Student (age 5)
“I want to go home and do MORE Jolly Phonics! I want to do Jolly Phonics all the way until dinner!
– Student (age 5)

Kaylen Beary, Acton, Maine
Teaching Jolly Phonics is my favorite part of the day!
– Kaylen Beary, Acton, Maine

Elizabeth Robins, Ed.D
Do thank Jennie for her comprehensive, articulate and well-paced overview of the Jolly Phonics program. It is impressive that the program, created by Sue Lloyd in 1992, is still ahead of the curve in its effectiveness and resource materials all these decades later.

Carrie Carter (Gray, Maine)
I have never seen this kind of understanding in all the years I have taught young readers.
I am amazed with the progress and growth.
Thank you so much for inspiring me to love to teach reading and writing and for having a lively, appropriate program that children can’t wait to use.

Juanita DeWitt (retired teacher, Portland, Maine)
I am seeing amazing results. The children are highly engaged, making great progress, and enjoying themselves as they learn.
I want to thank you for introducing me to the Jolly Phonics program, for providing me with support and guidance and for sharing my passion for evidence-based phonics instruction.

Shirley Dempsey (Windham, Maine)
This training is the best PD I have connected so much with in a long time. Throughout the training, I could picture which students would benefit from it and how I would use it effectively.